You may not be able to make your partner happy in their life, but you should be able to make them feel good about your relationship. If things have felt rocky for a while, it could take some time for things to begin to shift between the two of you, even if you are doing everything right. That's because you'll need to reestablish emotional trust. Trust grows with evidence. So once you create a positive pattern, trust will grow. So, how do you create that positive pattern? 1) Don't assume you know what will feel good to your partner. Instead, ask. Then listen closely to the answer and try to meet their needs. We all take in the world through our own lens. That lens is colored by our childhood, our history, our temperament, and our values. That means that we'll need different things to feel well-loved and valued. We will need different amounts of attention, touch, affirmation. No matter how long you've been with your partner, It's important to ask them, repeatedly, what would help them feel more loved? What would make clear that they are a priority in your life. 2) Don't ignore or reject your partner when they try to connect. Instead, engage as much as possible. Research shows that couples that have strong relationships respond positively more than 86% of the time when their partner tries to engage with them. Strive for this level of connection. If your partner wants to share something they found interesting, stop and listen to them. If they had a hard day and want to share what happened, sit down and give them your full attention. If your partner wants to be affectionate or playful, try to respond positively. It only takes a moment to give a hug or a supportive touch. If you don't have time for whatever they are proposing, let them know that you want to connect, and arrange for an alternate time--soon! 3) If you must reject a bid for sex, do so gently, expressing your desire to be with them, but your current exhaustion or whatever other reason is stopping you. Also, recognize that most women in partnerships need a mood to be set, in order for them to even consider physical intimacy. True, it probably wasn't that way when you were both in college, or in your early twenties, but it is natural once women have demanding jobs and/or children. So, take the time to discuss what would set the mood. Also, most women need time to connect emotionally before trying to connect physically. So, sit outside and drink some ice-tea and chat or light some candles and open a bottle of wine or make some hot apple cider. Change the mood and see what happens. You'll be glad you did!
This was published on The Gottman Institute website.